SOON!!! (and Title guesses)

Hi again!  I thought it was time to do another update on the album's progress.  I was hoping it would be ready shortly after Easter, but that may have been a little too optimistic!   We're getting there, but still have half the songs in the final mastering stage.  By the time I get them and wait on the process of getting them through my distributor, it will likely be about 3 weeks (or a little less).   (If you really want to hear them a little sooner, I can provide early access with any welcome donation!)  

I am SO pleased with how the songs I've gotten have ended up, and again, I am super excited to share them.  All these songs have been born out of personal experiences and my journey growing in God's ways.  They  first speak to me, personally,  in the middle of what I am learning, and then I pray they will speak to many other hearts who will hear them, bringing encouragement, light, and maybe a little conviction.  As is typical for me, songs arise out of times of deep prayer, from being in the Word, during worship and in the middle of everyday life happenings.  I mention this in my website bio, but for me, songwriting is really how I process life.  It is therefore a reflection of what God is teaching me and all that I am learning about my own struggles to follow in His ways and be obedient to His voice.  

I am also happy to have received so many guesses at the album title!  Thanks to everyone for participating and joining in this fun little exercise.  I will give a couple more days before I post a picture of the actual cover, so you can keep guessing.  I have had one successful answer!  I was pretty surprised someone actually got it, although there were many great guesses that could have been applicable.  The picture is definitely symbolic of a general theme of the album, but is also specifically mentioned in several of the songs.  Thanks again for participating and don't hesitate to try another guess!

Here's a little more insight into this project.  I truly was not expecting this to happen at this time, but it would seem that it was God's perfect timing and opportunity.  In late December I was asked by my producer, Steve, if I was interested in doing another album.  I definitely was, but it wasn't financially feasible, at least not until a much later date.  In Mid-January, my brother informed me that Steve had contacted him, wondering if I wanted to go ahead with recording, since someone else had to postpone their project, and he would do it for a reduced price. Of course I was happy to oblige!  I am so very grateful for my brother's financial support of much of this project again - it would not happen otherwise.  

So…we went through the song-choosing process and Steve began to work on the arrangements.  We went through some interactions on those, and then he had to deal with a couple weeks of sickness, which slowed things down.  But by the 9th of March he had all the rough instrumentals done, and when we discussed going into the Saskatoon studio, and contacted Cole at Contrast Recording, it worked out so perfectly (and quickly!) for me to get in that following Monday, since I was already in the city.  We scheduled a 5 hour session, with Steve online, virtually directing everything, me in the little sound booth, and Cole at the controls getting the vocals recorded.  Having done this previously streamlined the process, and we finished capturing the 8 songs in only 3 hours!  There is  no doubt in my mind that all the prayers behind this, from many people, made the session go so well, and with such a sweet presence of God there.  The one song, “Wash Over Me Lord”, is especially powerful and personal. and there was a tangible anointing there as I sung.  A little overwhelming actually.  Steve had to keep checking if I was ok!

Anyways…this is all to say that the whole project has been orchestrated by Someone other than me!  And I am beyond thankful for God's divine hand in it all.  I truly feel these songs will draw people's hearts into a deeper spiritual walk and perhaps a renewal in their faith.

So…..stay tuned!  I am hoping to share the album cover in the next few days, followed by some track clips which you can listen to.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!




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