God's "Green Room"


God’s “Green Room”

God is the ultimate “recycler”!  He uses everything we experience or journey through to shape us, teach us and equip us for future encounters.  He is often preparing us even when we don’t realize it.  Nothing is wasted in God’s economy!

Several weeks ago this simple chorus filled my heart.

You are my rock, my refuge in the storm

My fortress, my shelter

You are my rock, my strong and mighty Tower

God of grace and power, my helper

You are my shield, You are my hiding place

Lord I’m held in Your hand

You are my hope, You’re my Deliverer

And on this rock I’ll stand

 As I sung it, little did I know I would need to stand firmly on that rock as events unfolded.  We also just completed our week of VBS, and the Bible points for each lesson became a reality shortly after.  “When life is unfair, God is good.  When life is scary, God is good.  When life changes, God is good.  When life is sad, God is good.  When life is good, God is good!”

Last week we found out that, for economic reasons, my husband’s management job, along with several others, had ended, effective immediately.  That night I went to my prayer room to pour my heart out to God.  As a single-income family, this came as a huge blow.  We had recently signed a contract and loan for having a geothermal heating system installed, so that, along with other payments, necessitated a reliable source of income.  Typically, I am a worrier about finances, even when they seem stable.  But, I also knew that God had always proved to be faithful.  He had always provided.  So, as I prayed, I knew I had a choice.  I could drown in a sea of worry, or I could let the assurance of God’s love and provision, buoy me up on the waves.  I declared the truths of God’s word and promises, and then stated those simple VBS points.  What I had helped teach the children was now teaching me!  God is still good.  God is still faithful.  God is still my provider.

I also knew that praising God in the storm was a powerful and necessary tool.  So, I am determined to praise Him, reminding myself of His record of faithfulness, and trying to fully trust.  I believe His ways are best, and He allows what will bring change in our hearts, bring spiritual growth and cause us to rely more on Him.  I know this to be true, but it’s still hard to not have moments of fear, doubt and worry.  In our rural area, good jobs are hard to come by, but I know God can make a way where there seems to be none.  I am working at replacing those worrisome thoughts with declarations of praise, gratitude and confidence in my Almighty God!  We will seek His wisdom and guidance for our employment needs.

I will choose to trust, pray, believe and worship the One who is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us”. (Ephesians 3:20)  He is our provider, Jehovah-Jireh. 

So…I will sing His praises and expectantly watch Him work this out for our good and His glory!

(This song is on Soundcloud at this link:)
